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Traffic Driver - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I submit my site to a search engine?

Search engines need to be told about your website, before they can direct visitors to it.

Once a search engine knows that your site exists, it will send a software robot to visit your site. The robot will log the content of your website, ready to present to users who are searching for relevant information.


Which keywords should I use for my site?

Your website's keywords sum up its content and the services that you offer. The best way to determine which keywords to use for your site is to imagine what words your customers would use to search for your services.

To build your list of keywords, think over the services you offer, the types of customer you serve and the geographic area you're located in. Once you have a long list, you can order it by relevance and, from that, select the keywords to use on your site.


Why can I select only 25 keywords?

Most search engines impose a limit of twenty five keywords. Others judge the relevance of individual keywords against the number of keywords provided.


Why do I need metatags?

Metatags help search engines to know what your site is about. Although the actual textual content of your site is the most important element, metatags enable search engines to more accurately rank your website.


How long will it take for my site to appear on a search engine?

Each search engine and directory has its own process for including websites. Once TrafficDriver has submitted your site to a search engine or directory, it can take up to eight weeks, before your site is listed.

Although Traffic Driver will submit your site, certain elements of your website can prevent you from securing a high ranking. Our keyword suggestions and optimisation advice help you to overcome this.


Why can't I find my site on a search engine, after eight weeks?

Each search engine and directory has its own policy for the inclusion of a website. The major search engines include most sites submitted to them.

If your website has low text content, or deals with a very popular subject, it is likely that you can't find your website in a search engine because it doesn't associate your site with the search terms.

The keyword and optimisation advice offered by the higher Traffic Driver plans will help you to alter your site to ensure that the search engines know to associate it with the right search terms.


How will Traffic Driver improve the listing I already have on Google?

Pixelism's TrafficDriver service consists of two parts:

    * a search engine submission service

    * a search engine optimisation service

We guarantee to submit, and get a website placed on Google. The higher end TrafficDriver packages offer search engine optimisation reports, which will assist you in increasing your search engine rankings.

TrafficDriver also offers advice on keyword usage, which is also very important for getting higher rankings.

Although we cannot guarantee an improvement of a website's position in Google, if you follow our expert advice, you will most likely see an improvement of your Google ranking.


Why do I need to submit my site every month?

Occasionally, websites can drop out of search engines and directories. Regular resubmission ensures that your site is present in as many search engines as possible.

Some search engines and directories also require regular submission, in order to maintain a high position.


Will automatic submissions to some search engines reduce my ranking?

TrafficDriver submission process consists of automated submissions, hand submissions, special relationships with certain search engines and proprietary technology.

None of these methods will reduce your placement in a search engine.


Can I make monthly payments for the Traffic Driver service?

We currently only offer the TrafficDriver service on an annual basis, so at present there is therefore no option to make monthly payments for TrafficDriver. However, we are looking into monthly payment options and as soon as we've made a decision you'll be the first to hear about it!


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