About Pixelism |
Pixelism originally from a 3d animation and broadcast video background first got in to the web in early 1996 back in the days of Compuserve and before Google even existed as a search engine! This is when it cost you a monthly fee to connect to the internet and you also had to pay for the time your was also online too!! After a short period of playing about with Flash and HTML, Paul Porteous (that's me the proprietor) decide to get in to this new media revolution and has been building websites ever since, so at a pretty accurate guess this works out to around 13 years. After moving to Newquay in October 1999 and restarting Pixelism up again from scratch our customer base slowly gained pace and has been steadily growing year upon year ever since. We believe that much of our success comes down to our customer service policy – providing a value-for-money service and identifying just what our customer’s need to get what they want from their website. As such, our customers learn that as their websites grow and develop over time we are continually on hand to offer support and guidance. Pixelism and the team know that people’s knowledge and experience of the internet can vary widely. That’s why we take a flexible approach – getting back to the basics for those who are new to the internet and promoting future growth for those who are ready to take the next step with their website. Our customers trust our ability to guide them towards web strategies that work. With the internet constantly changing and developing it’s vital that we stay ahead and we take this responsibility seriously. You can be assured that Pixelism will build you a website that looks good, works well and meets industry standards. That's our profession, our expertise, our job! To be honest you shouldn't expect anything less... We are well aware that to you the potential customer this translates in to "what are we actually spending our hard earned money on? and are we getting genuine value for money? Well with us the answer is plain and simple and it is absolutely YES! For us when it comes to building your website, redesigning it, upgrading it, adding some extra functionality or keeping up with new technologies it is simple... We build your site or look after your web project like it was our own, we do the work to the quality and standard that we ourselves would expect, if we ever would let someone else do it for us, that is... |